How It Works
Hosting fundraiser through our platform is the easiest thing
Choose a Location
Use our platform to find the location suitable for your fundraiser. On your designated fundraising day, the location will donate 10-30% of additional sales your school or organization brings in at your selected location. In addition to percentage donations, each location has individual perks.
Request a Date
Choose availble date for your fundraiser based on the location availablity and request to book. Once the manager at the location confirms your event, you are good to go. You may even book recurring events with our easy-to-use booking system.
Have a Blast
Show up at the location on the date of your fundraiser and enjoy your time. The location manager will be waiting for you. If you had special requests during booking, they will be provided for your party on arrival. After your event you may leave rating for the location and write a review about our experience.
Get Started
Register for an account to book and track your fundraier events.